Thursday, November 19, 2009

Knuckle up Fitness Question of the day 11-19-09

How long has Sandy Springs Knuckle up fitness trainer/kickboxer/thai instructor, Matt Callahan, been fighting?

Bonus question! How many fights has he had total as an amateur and pro?

First person who guesses both right get two free 30 min training sessions with Matt Callahan. If you guess at least one, you get one 30 min training session.


  1. Sandy Springs Knuckle up fitness trainer/kickboxer/thai instructor, Matt Callahan, has been fighting 5 years and fought in 10 fights.

  2. Matt has been fighting about 5 years and has had 53 Amateur fights. 5 Pro thai fighs and 2 Pro Boxing.

  3. Oops missed the part about combo amateur/pro. Thought it was just pro.

  4. Matt has been fighting since the age of 3, his first fight was not by choice... he defeated a trio of ninja wolverines during a home invasion. He was promplty recruited by the Spetsnaz and was trained in a number of martial arts, including weapons fighting. To this day, his fights are innumberable.

    He keeps his skills sharp with his hobby, prize fighting. However, he always has been and always will be a killer at heart.

  5. KnuckleUp's big boy SUPER star Matt Callahan, doesn't fight. He too damn pretty for that.


    Nah, you all keep on guessing, nobody's got it right yet! - CJ

  6. Sandy Springs Knuckle up fitness trainer/kickboxer/thai instructor, Matt Callahan, has been fighting 7 years.

    (Another guess since now Matt is taunting us. lol)

  7. 125 fights. Change my previous answer.

  8. OK, ok, we give. What's the answer and who's the winner? - CJ

  9. Stacy Francis is the winner for guessing closest to how long Matt has been fighting. He has been fighting for 8 years and has had 120ish fights. Stacy, you win a free 30 min. training session with Matt Callahan. Yay!!!

    Thank you to everyone who guessed. Stephen you are silly!

